PDF options

PDF options#

The [pdf] sections is used to select the parton distribution function and corresponding alphas libraries. Note, that all PDF’s are supplied by LHAPDF, which has to be activeted during installation. Let’s look at a simple example:

set    = NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118
member = 0

Available options are:

  • set: The pdf set selected. PDF’s are suplied via LHAPDF, and LHAPDF has to be able to load the set. For a selection of officially avaiable sets, cf. the LHAPDF website.

    • Default: None

    • Options: None, LHAPDF_string

  • member: The specific pdf member.

    • Default: 0


Note that the Chili phase-space generator can not be used without initial state integration. Disabling the pdf does not automatically sets the initial state energy fixed.