Getting started (main Kokkos version)#
These instructions cover installing Pepper and its dependencies. While Kokkos is required, other packages such as LHAPDF are optional.
These instructions assume your environment has a reasonable compiler installed, e.g. g++ v11 or later, and a recent version of CMake, e.g. v3.17 or later.
There is an example Build Script with configurable parameters on the top that will go through the process of building Kokkos, dependencies, and Pepper. You can run it using bash <install-path>
Kokkos installation#
Pepper uses Kokkos to provide cross-platform support with parallel algorithm implementations. The Kokkos Documentation is a good source for their many CMake build flags, but we will present a few basic installation examples to get you started.
You will need to build Kokkos and Pepper for each hardware on which you intend to run. We will present instructions that help organize the different builds using the same source code directories, but it is up to the user to decide how best to organize.
Installing Kokkos for CUDA devices#
This section assumes the CUDA Toolkit (v11.8 or later) is available.
It is usually a good idea to use a tagged release. In these instructions we’ll build Kokkos v4.1.00.
git clone -b $KOKKOS_TAG
cd kokkos
# uncomment only one ARCH_FLAG:
# set ARCH_FLAG for V100
# set ARCH_FLAG for A100
# set ARCH_FLAG for H100
cmake -S . -B build/$ARCH_FLAG \
cmake --build build/$ARCH_FLAG -j --target install
# exporting this variable allows Pepper's configuration to find Kokkos
In the CMake command you’ll notice we had to use Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA
and then tell Kokkos for which CUDA device to compile via our ARCH_FLAG
In this case it was for VOLTA70
for the V100 GPU,
but we can swap that out for other CUDA architectures.
All the flags are listed on the Kokkos CMake Keywords page.
We also have a few custom CUDA flags for Kokkos
that enable some CUDA functionality we need, like lambda and constexpr
Note that we install Kokkos to $HOME/.opt/kokkos-$KOKKOS_TAG-$ARCH_FLAG
We will follow this convention in the snippets below, too,
but you can of course use any other place to install the tools.
Installing Kokkos for CPUs with OpenMP threading#
This installation uses the OpenMP built into GCC to run parallel portions of the code across multiple CPU cores. In the CUDA example, we can simply change from CUDA to OpenMP, and the architecture to whatever CPU you are using. In this example, we’ll be running on an Intel Skylake so our ARCH_FLAG
changes to Kokkos_ARCH_SKX
git clone -b $KOKKOS_TAG
cd kokkos
# set ARCH_FLAG for Intel Skylake
export ARCH_FLAG=Kokkos_ARCH_SKX
cmake -S . -B build/$ARCH_FLAG \
cmake --build build/$ARCH_FLAG -j --target install
# exporting this variable allows Pepper's configuration to find Kokkos
Installing Kokkos on AMD GPUs with HIP/ROCM#
This installation uses the HIP/ROCM to run parallel portions of the code on AMD GPUs. We set the ARCH_FLAG
to Kokkos_ARCH_AMD_GFX90A
for MI250 usage.
git clone -b $KOKKOS_TAG
cd kokkos
# set ARCH_FLAG for Intel Skylake
cmake -S . -B build/$ARCH_FLAG \
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(which hpcc)
cmake --build build/$ARCH_FLAG -j --target install
# exporting this variable allows Pepper's configuration to find Kokkos
Third party libraries#
In the following we describe how optional external libraries are used by Pepper, and provide compilation instructions for most of them. Your mileage with these instructions might vary; in doubt please refer to the manual of the respective package.
Message Passing Interface (MPI)#
Pepper uses MPI to utilize many CPU cores in parallel. Excellent scaling has been shown for up to 1000 cores on the Polaris system at ALCF [BCG+23].
An MPI installation is usually best provided by the local system admins to ensure best performance.
Pepper uses the HDF5 database library to write partonic events to persistent storage, see Writing events.
To achieve best performance when using MPI,
writing all events generated across all MPI nodes into a single output file,
HDF5 needs to have been configured with --enable-parallel
The following snippet provides an example of installing HDF5 yourself,
assuming that MPI is available
(if not,
remove the --enable-parallel
and --enable-parallel-tools
git clone -b hdf5-1_14_2
cd hdf5
autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix="$HDF5_ROOT" --enable-parallel --enable-parallel-tools
make -j install
# exporting this variable allows Pepper's configuration to find HDF5
export HDF5_ROOT
Pepper uses the LHAPDF library to evaluate parton density functions (PDF).
Using lhapdf install <pdf set name>
you can install the PDF set you would like to use
for your Pepper event generation.
For best performance when running on GPU,
you should install LHAPDF using its kokkos_version
which will enable Pepper to evaluate PDF directly on the GPU.
Despite the name of the branch,
interfaces are provided for both Kokkos and native CUDA compilations.
To achieve best performance when using MPI,
LHAPDF needs to have been configured with --enable-mpi
Then LHAPDF will load PDF sets only once for all ranks,
not on each rank individually.
The following snippet provides an example of installing LHAPDF yourself,
assuming that MPI is available
(if not, remove the --enable-mpi
git clone -b kokkos_version
cd lhapdf
autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix="$LHAPDF_ROOT" --enable-mpi
make -j install
# exporting this variable allows Pepper's configuration to find LHAPDF
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$(lhapdf-config --libdir)/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
# install the PDF set used by your setup; in this case we install the default
# one used by Pepper
lhapdf install NNPDF30_nlo_as_0118.tar.gz
For standard processes and jet multiplicities, color factors are pre-installed by Pepper.
Beyond this, FORM is required to calculate them.
Pepper will do this automatically, as long as FORM is found in the PATH
The following snippet provides an example of installing FORM yourself:
git clone
cd form
autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix="$FORM_ROOT" --enable-parform
make -j install
# make sure to export PATH such that Pepper can find the form executable at
# runtime
export PATH="$FORM_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
Pepper has internal phase-space generators such as basic Chili and Rambo. Alternatively, the standalone Chili library can be used as an external generator. Let us know if you need installation instructions for using the standalone Chili with Pepper.
Building Pepper#
Finally, with the above dependencies in place, we can build and install Pepper itself. The dependencies will be found and used automatically when the environment is set up as described above.
git clone -b main
cd pepper
cmake --build build/kokkos-$ARCH_FLAG -j --target install
You should now be able to run Pepper, and e.g. display its help using
pepper -h